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Amendment Essay Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Essay --
pH is generally alluded to try out or discover the proportion of a convergence of hydrogen particles. pH is utilized to quantify whether the arrangement on the off chance that it is a base or a corrosive. The term pH represents intensity of hydrogen. For the most part there is a scale for estimating pH, Solution with a 7 or underneath is think about an acidic arrangement, yet a pH more prominent than 7 is think about a base arrangement, and 7 is an impartial arrangement. The pH scale is a lot of arrangement gauges whose pH is built up by the global framework. The vast majority of the occasions pH can be estimated through fixation cells which measure the contrasts between hydrogen anodes. Finding the pH for arrangement should be possible in different manners, for example, a pH meter or glass terminal. White vinegar can likewise be a type of liquid formed for the most part including acidic p notwithstanding drinking water. The genuine acidic p will be made as a result of the maturation including liquor just by acidic p germs. White vinegar will be right now fundamentally used as a change including express component, in spite of the fact that previously, by virtue of this principally essentially available fragile p, it procured an impressive model of assembling, wellbeing related, notwithstanding family utilizes, determination of that area unit even now supported nowadays. Private company white vinegar will be made conceivably essentially by fast just as moderate aging capacities. When all is said in done, slow ways that they area unit in blend with old vinegars notwithstanding aging issue step by step over weeks or potentially a season. The real expanded aging sum grants for your development of the nontoxic ooze comprised of acidic p germs. fast ways that they include mother includ ing white vinegar the accessibility liquid not long before including environment using an en... ...inging about hyperbolic spillover. That spillover drinking water makes this succeeding mix extra acidic. As to percent the corrosiveness inside the air tumbles to earth through dry store. A few sorts can acknowledge acidic waters more than others. dirtying of the earth impacts numerous species at last effects extra through the whole natural wonder joined with non-oceanic sorts like parrots. The punishments of exhaust cloud, consolidated along with various natural stressors, leave trees notwithstanding plants unripe to have the option to go up against to have the option to cold conditions, creepy crawlies, notwithstanding ailment. The poisons could on that hinder trees capacity to raise. Some dirt square measure higher equipped for kill acids than others. In zones the recognize that the dirt gushing ability will be low, this hurtful results of exhaust cloud square measure bounty included.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
ASSIGNMENT 2 CRIMINOLOGY REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Task 2 CRIMINOLOGY REPORT - Essay Example 22). From that point forward, crime percentages have been reduced in England and Wales. As indicated by the Crime in England and Wales 2003/2004 yearly report, rough violations contained 23% of all BCS wrongdoings and 19% of police-recorded wrongdoing (Dodd et al, 2004, p. 11). The British Crime Survey (BCS) evaluated 2,708,000 rough occurrences happened against grown-ups in England and Wales (Dodd et al 2004, p. 67), which, generally speaking, is a decline of 36% in wrongdoing since 1995 (p. 67). Be that as it may, in 2004 BCS report likewise noticed that rough wrongdoing has settled (p. 67)). The police recorded 1,109,017 brutal occurrences, which is a 12% expansion since 2002/2003, incompletely ascribed to the execution of the NCRS (p. 67), increments in the detailing of wrongdoing by the overall population, increments in police action, and enhancements in recording wrongdoing (p. 69) For in excess of a fourth of a century, from 1969 to 1996, robbery and burglary accounted reliably for about portion of every recordable offense in England and Wales. The pinnacle was reached in 1992 when they made up 52 percent of recorded wrongdoing. By 2004-5 the four sorts of burglary accounted all in all 30% of all wrongdoing, as indicated by British Crime Survey report (Home Office 2007). During the timeframe under examination, there was a consistent increment in thefts with two pinnacles followed by sharp decays happening in 1996 and 2001-02, the last of which might be somewhat credited to the implantation of the NCRS. 90% of the burglaries were of individual property, while the equalization was thefts of organizations (Dodd et al., 2004, p. 79). The BCS likewise recorded increments in the theft rates among 1981 and its 2003-04 meetings, with a top in 1999. Following this pinnacle, rates declined fundamentally (- 32%). In the Crime in England and Wales 2003-04 report, the end was that for this timeframe, theft numbers were too low to even think about providing dependable appraisals, in spite of the fact that
Monday, August 17, 2020
What Is a Contact High
What Is a Contact High Addiction Drug Use Hallucinogens Print The Contact High of Drug Users By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on December 02, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on December 02, 2019 Fuse / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Hallucinogens Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery A contact high is an experience of sensing or perceiving drug effects when in the company of someone who has actually taken drugs, without having taken the drug yourself.?? For example, an experienced acid (LSD) user who is spending recreational time with someone who is tripping on LSD may start to feel as if they, too, are under the influence of LSD. They may start to have bizarre thoughts, to experience mild pseudo-hallucinations, and to find everyday situations hilariously funny. Equally, they may share feelings of fear, anxiety, or panic that are being expressed by the other person. A contact high can also happen when someone has taken a placebo, or a substance containing no psychoactive ingredients?? â€" a common money-making drug dealers trick â€" believing that they have taken a real drug when they are around others who really have taken the drug. It may also relate to set and setting, which has a profound impact on users experience of drugs, and even the intensity of the drug effect. The term is sometimes loosely used to refer to the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke.?? Is a Contact High a Real Phenomenon? Unlike the related phenomenon of expectancy effect, in which people experience drug effects when expecting them â€" either through taking a placebo or dummy drug or through taking a real drug?? â€" contact highs are not well researched in the drug abuse field. The difference between an expectancy effect and a contact high is that with a contact high, the person experiencing it need not think that they have actually taken the drug to experience its effects. In contrast, the phenomenon of the contact high is well known within the drug user community â€" and many drug users avoid or seek out other users specifically to avoid or to induce a contact high. Within the rave culture, for example, a sub-set of ex-drug users and non-users choose not to use drugs but enjoy the feelings of stimulation and excitement they feel around others who are on stimulating drugs such as ?ecstasy and meth. A contact high doesnt even require direct contact with the person who has taken drugs. In his review of the book, Tripping: An Anthology of True-Life Psychedelic Adventures, Spalding Gray wrote: I couldnt stop dipping in and out of this juicy book, flying from New York to Detroit. At times, it felt like just reading it was keeping the plane up. Wow! What a contact high.?? As intoxication effects are subjective, meaning they are inner experiences that vary from person to person,?? it is hard to know whether people who describe having a contact high are really having any perceptual changes, or whether they are simply picking up and mirroring the mood of the person who is intoxicated. While this is certainly a significant part of what is described by a contact high, some people who have used the substance before may be triggered to experience a flashback, and may actually have some perceptual changes.?? More research is needed to establish exactly what a contact high is, but the benefit is that generally they are described positively, without the associated costs and risks of really being intoxicated.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Censorship, A World Without Secrets By Peter Singer
Surveilling the Government Privacy is defined by Dictionary.com as â€Å"freedom from damaging publicity, public scrutiny, secret surveillance, or unauthorized disclosure of one’s personal data or information†. This is something that most people value extremely highly. From everyday civilians to government officials, everybody wants some level of privacy. Many say surveillance technology denies them the right to privacy that they are given at birth as American citizens. However, there should be a small amount of wiggle room when it comes to this technology, in order to protect the country and its people. In â€Å"Visible Man: Ethics in a World without Secrets†, Peter Singer gives us an insight into privacy in the government. He discusses the†¦show more content†¦This type of information could help prevent another 9/11 or ISIS attack. Any knowledge that could protect the country is something that everyone should know, in order to be fully aware and prepa red for all possible outcomes. A major source for this kind of knowledge is WikiLeaks. Through this site, civilians are made conscious of information that could affect their lives in numerous ways. Over the years, it has posted countless tips on government activity, spanning more topics than are imaginable. According to Singer’s article, WikiLeaks â€Å"has released more classified documents that the rest of the world’s media combined, to keep tabs on government and corporations†(463). Thanks to all of these documents, there is so much more information available to the public than there would be without WikiLeaks. With all of this information, citizens are made able to take necessary precautions in order to ensure their safety. It also ensures that government and corporation officials are going to take their own precautions in order to save face. They are made less careless in knowing that anything they do can be leaked at any time. When making decisions, wheth er they are vital or inconsequential, they are aware that their thoughts could go public. This knowledge plays the little angel on their shoulder and keeps them mindful of everything they do, likely causing them to beShow MoreRelatedCensorship, A World Without Secrets By Peter Singer985 Words  | 4 Pages Privacy is defined by Dictionary.com as â€Å"freedom from damaging publicity, public scrutiny, secret surveillance, or unauthorized disclosure of one’s personal data or information†. This is something that most people value extremely highly. From everyday civilians to government officials, everybody wants some level of privacy. Many say surveillance technology denies them the right to privacy that they are given at birth as American citizens. However, there should be a small amount of wiggle room whenRead MoreThe Censorship of Art Essay example14698 Words  | 59 PagesThe Censorship of Art While the censorship of art is not a new phenomenon, recent years have witnessed renewed and intensified attempts to control popular culture. In particular, rap and rock music have come under increasing attack from various sides representing the entire left and right political spectrum, purportedly for their explicit sexual and violent lyrical contents. In this paper is investigated which moral codes underlie these claims against popular music, how social movements mobilizeRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesLinda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. 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(Carol Vanderbilt), 1945T58.6.M3568 2012 658.4038011â€â€dc22 2010048598 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-214632-0 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-214632-6 BRIEF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Managing IT in a Digital World PART I Information Technology Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 1 17 Computer Systems 19 Telecommunications and Networking The Data Resource 95 60 PART II Applying Information Technology Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Enterprise
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Presentation Barack Obama “Dreams from My Father†Free Essays
Barack Obama – â€Å"Dreams From My Father-A Story of Race and Heritance†Today I want to introduce you United States President Barack Obama’s first memoir, dreams from my father. It was first published in July 1995 as he was preparing to launch his political career and republished in August 2004. Author: Since my book is an autobiography I won’t tell you everything about the author, I just will give some personal facts about him. We will write a custom essay sample on Presentation: Barack Obama â€Å"Dreams from My Father†or any similar topic only for you Order Now Barack Obama was born in 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii to Barack Obama Senior and Ann Dunham. In 1991, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School. While in law school he worked as a co-worker at the law firms of Sidley Austin where he met his wife, Michelle, whom he married in 1992. Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia Ann and Natasha, known as Sasha. On November 4 2008, Obama won the presidency of the United States. The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President took place on January 20, 2009. On October 8 of last year, Obama was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Characters: Paternal Family The Obamas are members of the Luo, Kenya’s third-largest ethnic group. Hussein Onyango Obama Barack Obama’s paternal grandfather †¢Habiba Akumu Obama Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother and the second wife of Hussein Onyango Obama †¢Barack Hussein Obama Senior He is the father of Barack Obama. Visited his son only for one single time. In his memoir, Barack calls him the Old Man. †¢ Kezia †¢Jane Her sister, Jane, is the ‘Auntie Jane’ mentioned at the very start of Dreams from My Father when she telephoned President Obama to inform him that his father had been killed in a car accident. †¢Ruth Ndesandjo Born Ruth Nidesand, in US, Barack Obama Sr. ‘s third wife Maternal Family †¢Ann Dunham Mother of Barack Obama. His mother is open minded, idealistic, naive in one sense, world-wise in another. †¢Stanley Dunham is the grandfather of Barack Obama. Stanley and his wife Madelyn raised Obama in Honolulu, Hawaii. His grandparents love him unconditionally. He learns his grandfather’s strengths and weaknesses, but never really comes to see him as the father figure he’s seeking. †¢Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham Barack Obama’s maternal grandmother. †¢Lolo Soetoro Stepfather of Barack Obama, born in Indonesia, Obama speaks fondly of his step-father, and learns several life lessons from him, but unfortunately his mother’s relationship with his step-father doesn’t last. Plot: 1. Origins 2. Chicago 3. Kenya Epilogue Barack Obama, the current narrates a heart-rending story about his personal implications; tribulations in the American society, and his father’s roots. Ad 1. The story opens up in New York, where he hears that his fatherâ€â€a figure he knows more as a myth than as a manâ€â€has died in a car accident. Two years later after Baby Obama was born, his father won a scholarship to continue with studies at Harvard University. And so, Obama Senior left Hawaii, went to Harvard, separated from his small family and, was divorced by Ann. He completed his studies and returned to Kenya to take up a senior job at the department of national planning. Baby Obama never saw him until much later. As a young boy, his mother marries a man from Indonesia and they go to live there. His mother sends him back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents so he can attend a prestigious Hawaiian school, as one of only three black students there. Obama has one encounter with his father when he’s ten in Hawaii. Obama is a little adored, a little overwhelmed by his father’s visit. Nevertheless his father doesn’t stay very long and leaves Obama with more questions than answers. Ad 2. Propelled by a desire to understand both the forces that shaped him and his father’s legacy, the book then moves on to moves to Chicago where he works as a community organizer. It’s challenging work that is rarely rewarding, but Obama gives it his all. Then a relative from Kenya, his aunt Jane, calls to tell him his father has died, but Obama’s not quite sure how to feel about that or how to react. Several weeks later, his Kenyan half-sister, Auma, makes contact with him. Auma gives him a sneak peek into his father’s life in Kenya. Obama is fascinated by the life Auma leads and wants to learn more about their father. Before he leaves community organizing to go to Harvard Law School, he makes arrangements to visit Auma in Kenya and TO TRACE THE ROOTS OF HIS FATHER. Ad 3. In Kenya, Obama discovers a family he didn’t even know. His father had at least four wives, and Obama has a slew of brothers and sisters who are living in their father’s shadow. Obama and Auma visit with one their grandfather’s wives, â€Å"Granny. †She tells Obama’s father story to him. The story: Because Onyango wanted his son to be provided as best as possible as for opening up a good future, his father received a scholarship in economics through a special program which offered Western educational opportunities to outstanding Kenyan students. Following Obama Sr. enrolled at the University of Hawaii where Obama Sr. married Ann Dunham, though she would not find out that her new husband was already married to a pregnant wife until much later. Ann quit her studies to care for the baby, while Obama Sr. completed his degree, leaving shortly thereafter to study at Harvard University. While studying at Harvard, Obama Sr. met an American-born teacher named Ruth who he married after divorcing from Barack’s mother. After a while Obama Sr. published a paper entitled â€Å"Problems Facing Our Socialism†harshly criticizing the concept for national planning. This conflict with President Kenyatta destroyed his career. Following he was fired from his job, was blacklisted in Kenya, and began to drink. He had a serious car accident, spent almost a year in the hospital, and by the time he visited his son in Hawaii, when Barack was ten years old. Obama Sr. ‘s life fell into drinking and poverty, from which he never recovered. Obama Sr. later lost both legs in another automobile collision, and subsequently lost his job. He died at the age of 46, in a third car crash in Nairobi. From then on, Obama realized that the man he thought to be a failure was in fact a hero in his village. His father was the first person to have gone to the US University from his village. Then, Obama forgave his father and decided to change his life basing on his father’s dreams. Themes: †¢Racism Throughout the whole book the main character is faced with Racism. From early childhood he had to struggle with students that teased him when he was playing with one of the three black kids. Even in Kenya, when he and some of his family members are at a restaurant, the waitress who is black, ignores their orders and doesn’t serve them after she has seen European tourists who are white. †¢Search for community As a young adult, Obama set off in search of community and purpose, with the reat role models of the civil rights movement. The glory days of the civil rights movement were long gone when Obama gets an organizing job in a poor neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side plagued by crumbling public housing, disappearing manufacturing jobs, and rising crime. The group’s founder is a Jewish man who is not fully trusted by the community. At the same time Obama makes personal connections. He becomes close with the three middle-aged African-American women who are core to the organization, and develops a friendship with an eccentric, pot-smoking Catholic organizer. He looks out for Kyle, the teenage son of a volunteer who is in danger of getting into trouble. One of the most moving bits in the book where Obama tells the group he is headed off to Harvard Law School, and promises his friends in the neighborhood that he’ll be back. †¢Search for family and identity Feeling out of place in high school, Obama gravitates toward the black kids and works to embrace an African-American culture that matches others’ expectations of his appearance, but is different from his upbringing and background. A trip to Kenya before law school is an opportunity for discovery. Obama grew up with an idealized vision of his father, which both intimidated and inspired him. As he gets to know his African family, he finds out that his father’s life was more complex and less perfect than the idealized image. In Kenya, Barack Junior finds a family that is loving, close, and welcoming but surrounded by problems  feuds, alcoholism, and poverty. The stories that Obama hears on his trip make things more complicated, not simpler. The stories provide context for the personality flaws, passions, that which are more meaningful, more admirable, and more forgivable, than a shallow but false idealized image. The Limits of â€Å"Organizing†After a series of infamous defeats, the persistence, skill and empathy of Obama’s group begins to pay off. They organize cleanup for the housing project, job training for the neighborhood, mentoring for school kids. But in the end, during a public forum where the neighborhood people demand basic maintenance fo r public housing projects, the bureaucrats explain that the Housing Authority budget allows a asbestos removal, or basic repairs, but not both. So as you can see, one small person can’t change everything without reaching some limits. How to cite Presentation: Barack Obama â€Å"Dreams from My Father†, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
What outrages you free essay sample
What outrages you? What are you doing about it? 1000 characters l dont know, one of the most common phrases which is a limit we place on ourselves. We accept our lack of knowledge and prevent further thought. A limit Is defined as something that bounds or confines. Nothing drives me crazier than watching this. Accepting a limit creates a comfort zone that does not allow for Improvement. Through coaching and tutoring I am able to help others challenge themselves. Coaching, I was introduced to girls who TLD push their limits. These girls TLD reach out to teammates and accepted loss. I explained to them, that they always needed to give all their effort. The following game was their only win all season. Tutoring my peers, I hear I dont know at least 10 times a day. I challenge anyone I tutor to go the whole time without saying this phrase. We will write a custom essay sample on What outrages you or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Without this phrase, they think much more about the question, whatever It may be and thus, progress their knowledge. By challenging our Limits, we allow for growth and ultimately achieve greatness. On my school varsity team, we faced a very similar challenge. It was the regional quarter-finals of my senior year, possibly the last match Id ever play with my team. We were down 21-10 and all hope seemed lost. I went back to serve with the intention of pushing past what I thought were my limits and getting every single ball up. This attitude quickly spread throughout the entire court, to the bench, and all the ay through the stands.It seemed as if we were a new team in a new game that had never lost. Like the girls Id coached, we came back and won that night which allowed our season to continue. One small amount of determination to push past easily accepted limits can completely change the outcome. I have tutored a friend, and the one thing I will not allow him to say is l cant do it because in saying this, you accept your failure at something and are thus unwilling to try until it is achieved.
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