Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Transformational Learning Within The Student Athlete
Recent studies have demonstrated the powerful impact of transformational learning on feelings of cynicism among college students (Duarte, 2010). Transformational learning within the student-athlete population has not been empirically studied, although the potential benefits are enormous as student-athletes have been found to experience feelings of cynicism throughout their collegiate careers, despite initial feelings of optimism (Adler Adler, 1985). The commercialized nature of intercollegiate athletics today presents a unique environment in which to implement effective student-athlete focused career development interventions. Student-athletes face developmental difficulties unique to the student-athlete experience within a socially, athletically, and academically micromanaged context (Duarte, 2010). Transformational learning can exist as a byproduct of emancipatory learning, which can help student-athletes navigate the demands of conflicting roles, reflect critically, and negotiate profound transitions. Transformational learning has the potential to enhance student-athlete specific career development initiatives. The barriers of transformational learning among the student-athlete population will be examined within a social, developmental, and psychological context. 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